Informations for students
- Moodle
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
In September 2015 has prof. Borut Buchmeister acquired a $ 28,800 USD donation from Simio LLC (Sewickley, Pennsylvania, USA) for 12 installations of the SIMIO simulation package. The equipment is used for pedagogical and research work at the Laboratory for production and operations management (LANPS) and at the Laboratory for discrete system simulation (LASDIS).
Verzija za študente je dostopna na povezavi, navedeni v spodnjem dokumentu.
Production management:
The book is the result of many years of research, pedagogical and practical work in the field of production management. It is intended for students of technical professions and practitioners - managers in enterprises (with production and / or service activity). Initially, the basics of production management with production function, product strategy and product design are presented. The following five basic chapters of production management are discussed: process design, scheduling of terms and capacities, quality management, inventory management and work management. The modelling process and simulation section is processed under the chapter process design. Presented theoretical bases are supported by practical examples. The contents of the book conclude the chapter on the globalization of production and the English-Slovenian glossary in the field of production management.